Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Real-life Pictionary

Since Madison's move to her "big girl bed" and getting her own bedroom, my family of five have been crammed for space in our three bedroom townhouse. We decided a trip to IKEA for a few storage items could help with the chaotic room that the boys were now sharing.

When deciding to have two boys share a room, you need to be willing to give up any hope of every having a clean, organized space ever again. I can't give my opinion on girls, but as far as boys are concerned, it's one battle you'll never win.

If you're anything like me the pending trip to IKEA was putting butterflies in your stomach. Oh the possibilities! Soon I'd be touring the showroom (kid free) picturing myself in every bedroom scheme and kitchen layout. All of a sudden it's not a few storage shelves you need, its a home renovation. Well played IKEA, well played.

Thankfully we only ended up leaving with our storage shelves... and maybe a dresser, bunk bed, and frozen yogurt. After everyone was jammed in the van beside some sort of boxed piece of furniture, we head home still naïve and hopeful...WAIT A MINUTE! now we have to put all this crap together... goodbye relaxing Saturday night. IKEA: Real-life Pictionary. "Better stop and get some beer" Matthew says. Took the words right out of my mouth.


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