Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday Morning Cartoons

What does your Saturday morning look like? Is it similar to your own childhood Saturday mornings? Mine sure isn't. I remember waking up and running downstairs so I could be the first to the television for morning cartoons. Fast forward twenty years and here I am watching my entire family (including myself) plugged into something, barely acknowledging each others existence. When did this happen?!

I could always find my mother at the kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee and a newspaper in her hand. The television was on in the living room and cereal was abundant. Now here I am blogging away with Starbucks in hand. Logan is playing Xbox, Lukas chose to watch TV on the Wii U, and Matthew is gaming away on the laptop. If I was to repeat my previous sentence to my younger self, I might as well be speaking a foreign language. How times have changed. (This entire post is making me feel ancient)

I'm not saying that I don't enjoy my Saturdays whole-heartedly, because I love them. I just wanted to reflect on how much simpler life use to be. Cell phones we HUGE and a luxury, everyone had one gaming system (Coleco Vision), and what the hell was an IPAD?!

I wonder what Saturday morning will look like for my grandchildren. Scared yet optimistic.


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