Monday, December 15, 2014

DIY Lego Table

With Christmas just around the corner and my children getting older, I really wanted to give them each something really special. My youngest son Logan absolutely loves Lego. It's just about the only thing that keeps his little overactive body still. I decided to search the web for Lego gift ideas and stumbled over a lot of DIY Lego tables; so I decided to build my own version.

Glue (something that will bond plastic to glue)
4 blue Lego base plates (size 620)
6 BYGEL containers IKEA
2 BYGEL rails IKEA
8 screws sized accordingly
1 LACK side table IKEA
*A drink. I chose beer. Yummy.

Step One: Build the LACK table as instructed.
You could also choose to put the legs on last;
whichever makes it easier.
Two: Hold one of the BYGEL rails up
to the outer edge of the table and mark
your drilling holes. (I would normally
recommend using a level but the rail fits
perfectly in line with the table. Go me!

Three: Drill baby, drill!
Four: Measure out where each of the four base plates will be glued on tabletop.
Make sure to attach the Lego base plates in the centre with
Lego pieces. This will ensure full functionality of the table.

Five: Spread glue onto bottom of each base plate.

Caution, if you use too much glue and end up filling
the tiny holes as well, it will leak out the edge of mats
once flipped onto table.

Six: Start placing you base plates onto tabletop.
Once they are all placed right side up,
once again, attach mats in the centre with Lego pieces

Seven: Once glue has dried
(preferably overnight)attach your BYGEL container,
fill with Lego, and let the fun begin!!

 *sit back, relax, drink, and revel in all your DIY glory*


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