Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Hazy Thursday

After gabbing with friends and coworkers, asking for blog advice, I came to the conclusion that the best way to be successful is consistency. So here I am once again ready to enlighten your lives with anecdotes of a mostly sane, but sometimes crazy woman.

Waking up this morning was one of the hardest things I've had to do all week. "Are you sure it isn't Saturday?" I asked my 1 year old daughter as she began to throw things from my nightstand. Rolling over, blindly reaching for my glasses (my inner nerd has been revealed), i shout "Boys! Wake up!" for the fourth time today, and against my will, I drag my ass out of bed.

Mornings are usually a hazy marathon of child herding. Finally having everyone dressed and out the door (only 10 minutes late) I catch my youngest son about to walk outside in sock feet. "Logan! boots buddy. You need boots". With a blank stare he looks down and begins to laugh at himself...something I think everyone should do a lot more of. Gotta love my spaced-out, forgetful little man. I'm pretty sure he is the reason child leashes were invented. 

When I finally sat down at the end of the day I decided to fool around and customize my page. Well wouldn't you know it...that shit costs money! and using HTML is completely out of my brain functioning capabilities at 9pm. Hopefully the more wine I drink the easier this will get. 


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